September 21, 2023 | Hinderliter Hearing Services | Hearing Test Info
It might seem, initially, like measuring hearing loss would be simple. You can probably hear certain things clearly at lower volumes but not others. You might confuse certain letters like “S” or “B”, but hear other letters just fine at whatever volume. It will become more apparent why you have inconsistencies with your hearing when […]
Just picture for a minute you’re a salesperson. Today, you’re on a very important call with a possible client. Your company is being looked at for a job and numerous individuals from your company have gathered on a conference call. All of the various voices get a little muddled and hard to comprehend. But you’re […]
Pizza is a fascinating thing. You can switch the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses on it, but as long as it meets a few basic criteria, it’s still a pizza. That’s a lot like hearing loss. But as long as you have difficulty hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss whether it’s caused by genetic factors, […]
Cognitive decline and hearing loss, what’s the connection? Medical science has connected the dots between brain health and hearing loss. Your risk of getting cognitive decline is higher with even minor hearing loss, as it turns out. Experts believe that there may be a pathological link between these two seemingly unrelated health problems. So how […]
Tinnitus often gets worse at night for most of the millions of people in the US that experience it. But why should this be? The ringing is a phantom noise due to some medical condition like hearing loss, it isn’t an outside sound. But none of that information can give a reason why this ringing […]
There are two types of vacations, right? There’s the kind where you cram every single recreation you can into every waking moment. This kind will leave you more tired than when you left but all of the fun will be recalled for years to come. The other kind is all about unwinding. You may not […]
Tom is getting a brand new knee and he’s super pumped! Hey, the things you look forward to change as you get older. His knee replacement means he will experience less pain and be able to get around a lot better. So the operation is successful and Tom goes home. That’s when things take a […]
You’ve probably noticed that when movies or television shows get really intense, they begin using close-ups (possibly even extreme close-ups). This is because more information than you’re probably even consciously aware of is communicated by the human face. It’s no stretch to say that human beings are extremely facially centered. So having all of your […]
It’s hard to be apart from your hearing aid after you get used to using one. Your hearing aids are, after all, your link to the world around you. But just like any technology, though, it will need to be upgraded eventually. A hearing aid’s typical lifespan From 3 to 7 years will be the […]
Your hearing won’t be just gone one day when you wake up. For most people, hearing loss happens in degrees, particularly when it is linked to aging. Some indicators appear earlier, though, and you don’t realize there is a problem immediately. The initial symptoms of progressive hearing loss are subtle. Slowing down the progression of […]